• Moonshot book
    Career satisfaction,  Leadership,  Self-leadership,  Success Strategy

    Preparation, Not Luck: Pfizer’s “Moonshot” Lessons Applies to All Of Us

    I’ve been diving back into the pages of “Moonshot – Inside Pfizer’s Nine-Month Race to Make the Impossible Possible” for the second time, and the narrative continues to captivate me, just as it did two years ago. I was amazed by how their clarity, simplification, and courageous actions prepared them for an otherwise impossible endeavor. Even though it is a story about a corporate giant achieving groundbreaking feats in the face of a global crisis, it is also relatable to our personal and professional lives. I took away these three main points from the story. 1. Clear Priority When CEO Albert Bourla took over, he gathered the top one thousand…

  • New Year - Mohammad Hossain Pixabay
    Happiness,  productivity,  Success Strategy

    Why New Year’s Resolutions Fail and How to Make it Work

    Almost half of the Americans make New Year’s resolutions, but fewer than 10% successfully achieve them(source)! The most popular resolutions are staying fit, work-life balance, and personal enrichment. All these are great resolutions to improve one’s quality of life. Then why the success rate is so low, and what can we do to beat that? One of my coaching clients set his goal to reduce his weight by going to the gym every day. Knowing that the key to setting achievable goals is to align them with one’s true essence, I asked him these clarifying questions: What is the bigger purpose it is aligned to? What will you feel when you…

  • Success Strategy,  Time Management

    Ready or not the New Year is coming – Will your resolution be a small talk again?

    In January, the common topic of the office kitchen conversation is the New Year’s resolution. Until recently I never actually did much of planning for the year, so when asked I made up something. My standard answer was “be more organized”, which hardly happened!  I was not lying though, I really felt I needed to have better control over my life, but honestly, I didn’t know how to do it.  So I forgot about it even before I finished that cup of coffee I brought from the kitchen. After becoming an entrepreneur the idea of resolution made more sense to me. Unless I have a vision for myself I don’t know what…

  • productivity,  Success Strategy

    Already Off Track for your New Year’s Resolution? Find out how to do better

    Found these statistics – almost all Americans make a new year’s resolution. The bad news is that half of them break their new year’s resolution by January 2 and more than 90% of those resolutions are forgotten by April 1. So if you are having a hard time keeping your resolution you are in the majority group. If you want it otherwise here is some food for thought. Take a look at the bigger purpose you had for your New Year’s resolution or goal. The purpose is the soul of goals and goals are the means by which you express your purpose in the world. If your goal is to…

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