Are you a high-achieving, mid to senior-level leader in an organization? Do you want to make a meaningful impact and enjoy the journey while you grow?

I have walked in your shoes! And since 2009, I have coached leaders like you in Fortune 500 companies and startups to achieve sustainable success through growth, purpose, and joy.

Download the Goal Setting Workbook or Book the summer special Free Strategy Session to start the journey.

Here are some scenarios when people come to me for executive coaching:

“I want to develop more executive presence.”
“I think very fast; others can’t keep up. I get frustrated with them.”
“I end up doing most of the work for my team. I am exhausted.”
“I need to be more strategic (vs tactical).”
“I wish I had more time during the day to do everything up to my satisfaction.”
“I want to scale my impact as a leader.”
“I want to improve my team’s productivity”

As an outcome of our work together, these clients received recognition, job promotions, improved team performance, successful career transitions, and overall balance and fulfillment.

Schedule a no-obligation chemistry call today. Get started on your journey of growth, purpose, and joy! There is no magic – you and I co-create the process for you. It is that simple!

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Beyond Success: The Path to Significance

A few months ago, I met Megan, a high-achieving corporate leader in her early forties, happily married with two young kids. Despite her stellar success, she felt like she was ...
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High Achievers’ Burnout: Let’s Invest in Human Skills In the Era of AI

Recently, I had a session with Ana, a highly accomplished Vice President at a corporate firm. Ana looked exhausted. She understands she's been overworking, leaving no room for rest and ...
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Applying Engineering Principles To Solve People Issues

Ron, an engineering manager, faced a persistent challenge with one of his direct reports, Jackson. Jackson's behavior left Ron questioning his motivation and even his competency. Despite Jackson’s belief that ...
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Clients » What Others Are Saying?

Sharmin was an excellent Executive Coach. She was very helpful in teaching me to identify responses through innate states of feeling rather than reasoning, helping me use my subconscious, in addition to my conscious mind, to react to dynamic situations at work. These different feelings helped counter habits and directed my energy to the highest value outcomes. I appreciate the development I achieved with Sharmin’s coaching and believe she will do the same for you!

Senior Vice President of Engineering
A Satellite Communications Startup

I always enjoyed our coaching sessions and looked forward to our calls.   Her style was conversational; we focused on self-improvement and how things out of work influence my job. It was time well spent. Sharmin helped me to be reflective and was very good at follow-up questions, not letting anything fall through the cracks. She was a great listener and encouraged me to dig deep into the meaning of things that would arise in conversation.

Senior Vice President

I’ve had the pleasure of working with Sharmin for the past six months. My bi-weekly conversations with her have become a critical part of my leadership toolkit. Especially as we navigate post-pandemic shifts in communication styles and workplace culture, I’ve appreciated having Sharmin in my corner. She’s become a great partner to me, and I look forward to our continued work!

Vice President of Operations
Food+ by Compass
