A woman sitting down with a pensive look

Beyond Success: The Path to Significance

A few months ago, I met Megan, a high-achieving corporate leader in her early forties, happily married with two young kids. Despite her stellar success, she felt like she was ...
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A Woman covering her face in front of a laptop

High Achievers’ Burnout: Let’s Invest in Human Skills In the Era of AI

Recently, I had a session with Ana, a highly accomplished Vice President at a corporate firm. Ana looked exhausted. She understands she's been overworking, leaving no room for rest and ...
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Two men are talking in a business setting

Applying Engineering Principles To Solve People Issues

Ron, an engineering manager, faced a persistent challenge with one of his direct reports, Jackson. Jackson's behavior left Ron questioning his motivation and even his competency. Despite Jackson’s belief that ...
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Hesitating Challenging Others? Try These Five Graceful Steps

George, a VP at a Fortune 500 company, had a reputation for being insightful yet reserved. Despite his analytical prowess and humble personality, he often found himself silent during crucial ...
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Beyond Busy: Transforming Work Habits with Neuroscience Insights

In a recent coaching session, Tatiyana, a senior director at a leading global engineering company, opened up about a pressing issue: "I'm grappling with two primary challenges. Firstly, it's incredibly ...
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A Woman with a hand behind her ear

5 Barriers To Effective Listening

In today's ever-evolving landscape, effective listening has emerged as a crucial skill for leaders. Yet, it remains a challenge for many. What stands in the way? While lack of trust, ...
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A woman in suit holding a tablet

Navigating a New Boss? Trust the Leader in You

Susan has been a valued member of the company for quite some time. However, the arrival of a new boss has brought unexpected challenges. This leader, who is reserved and ...
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several people sitting around a table in a work setting

Struggling to Align Your Team? Embrace the Power of Open Listening

Phillip recently got a new assignment involving leading a change initiative in a new region. While very excited about the career growth opportunity, he soon realized that the team was ...
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Relentless Self-Development may Diminish Your Potential

In this "growth mindset" and "learn it all" era, it's often easy to be driven by our inner critic in disguise of all those positive things. "What do you mean"? ...
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Two people in a job interview

Job Interview: Is Your Eagerness Hindering Your Presence?

Vinod, a director-level leader in Tech, had been searching for a job for some time without much success. Perplexed, he sought my advice to determine what else he could do ...
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A man looking out through the window

Are You an Emerging Leader Seeking Next Level of Growth?

Are you an ambitious mid-career professional in tech, STEM, or any high-paced culture? Do you long to make a meaningful, fulfilling impact? Many, like you, sometimes wonder what else they ...
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Pillars and a woman

Foundation for Growth: Four Simple Practices Make My Clients Successful

People come to coaching for many reasons. Some want to lead a significant change management initiative, while others want to improve team productivity or develop leadership skills for the next ...
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Conflict at work

What Causes Conflicts In Teams

No one wakes up thinking, "I will ruin the day; I will create trouble today." But even when everyone on the team is decent, stress, conflicts, and drama happen. I ...
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Sharmin Banu coaching in front of an audience at an HR Conference

How an Embarrassing Setback Helped Me Become Better

When we hear advice like "turn setbacks into growth experiences," we often dismiss it as cliché or unrealistic for ourselves. However, a few years ago, I was in an embarrassing ...
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Secrets of High-Value Creating Teams: Learnings from Legendary Professor Hawkins

In our global, highly complex world, the heroic leadership figure has increasingly become a relic. Manfred kets de vries, 2011a: 56 Over the past 6-7 years, I've recognized a need ...
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Moonshot book

Preparation, Not Luck: Pfizer’s “Moonshot” Lessons Applies to All Of Us

I've been diving back into the pages of "Moonshot - Inside Pfizer's Nine-Month Race to Make the Impossible Possible" for the second time, and the narrative continues to captivate me, ...
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A Man standing in a reflective posture

Celebrate Yourself Through an Year-End Reflection

As the year comes to a close, many of you are cherishing precious moments with family and loved ones, possibly enjoying a well-deserved trip to a delightful destination. Amidst these ...
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Holiday Family Dinner

From Chaos to Connection: Gracefully Managing the Holiday Family Gatherings

Managing family visits during the holiday season presents a delightful yet demanding task. Juggling multiple family members' diverse opinions, needs, and desires can be an energy-draining experience for hosts and ...
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Sharmin Banu: The Coach Extraordinaire

My Interview w/ Mindful Leader Practice

My colleague Anu Arora and I had a great time reflecting on the journey that made us who we have become. We first reflected on our time on the International ...
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Clock, brain, bulbs

Three Strategies That Reduced Stress for a Busy Executive

Sheela, a senior executive at a renowned Fortune 500 company, sought my coaching services to improve her quality of life. She said her demanding job was taking a toll on ...
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An elephant

How Not To Think About An Elephant – A Neuroscience Way To Attain Goals

What if I say, "Do not think about an elephant?" - I bet all you will think of is an elephant or several elephants in your mind. Well, it turns ...
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My Learnings From Turning A Cynic Into A Collaborator

Imagine you shared an idea with a co-worker, and they said, "That's a terrible idea." How would you feel? Most of us would feel discouragement and react with either active ...
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A Cat Image by Heinz Hummel from Pixabay

Are You Sabotaged By Your Inner Hyper-Achiever?

A tech leader, let's call him Jason, said, "I can't relax; I always have to do something useful. Nobody makes me do so; it's me. This is how I am" ...
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Two men are talking in a business setting

How to Approach Difficult Conversations When It’s Uncomfortable

Are you dreading a challenging conversation, particularly in a work setting? Do you fear that it might not go as planned? You're certainly not alone; many of us share this ...
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Want to Take Your Career to the Next Level? Manage Your Attention Wisely

“I don’t have the time to pause and think; my days are filled with back-to-back meetings. When someone asks me a question, I tell them what I know and go ...
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You were given Feedback to Improve your Executive Presence – What do you do now?

The other day, a senior leader contacted me to hire me as his coach. His LinkedIn Profile was immaculate - multiple graduate degrees from top-notch schools and a strong track ...
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A Busy Woman:

Are You A Go-to Fixer For Your Team? You Are Not Helping.

Elizabeth was a long-tenured senior officer at a commercial bank. She had a high sense of responsibility. Most of her time was spent fixing problems created by others both at ...
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A Woman -Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

Job Searching for a Career Path Change? Act Like a Farmer

A job change is a daunting task. It becomes even more challenging when it involves a discipline, industry, or role change. A common misconception is one can do it by ...
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A connected graph of people.

Idea Dating: Tap Your Network for Clearer Insights

During a recent coaching session, my client Francis had an eye-opening moment. Despite consistently positive performance reviews, he no longer found satisfaction in his current role. When I asked what ...
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Setback - Image by Fábio Luciano Sorg from Pixabay

Overcome Setbacks Using 3A’s : Acknowledge, Analyze and Act

Theresa has been feeling significantly down the last few days. Her manager informed her that she didn't get the promotion this time. He was pretty compassionate while giving her the ...
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Smile face, balloon, job promotion announcement

Sustainable Success: The Multifaceted Journey Beyond Social Media Posts

It is the season of job promotions. I've been getting several such news through LinkedIn posts from my clients. However, these celebratory posts only scratch the surface of their entire ...
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Nick’s Path to Emotionally Intelligent Leadership

Meet Nick, a talented young professional in his mid-thirties who holds a managerial position in a corporate. One challenging aspect of his job is that his team members, older than ...
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Organization Politics – How We See It Can Change the Meaning

"I like doing my job, but I hate politics. Almost everyone says that they hate politics. If no one likes it, then who creates it in the first place"? My ...
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A Lion

Be Like a Lion: Enhance Leadership Through Pauses and White Spaces

Carol, a Vice President at a communication company, wanted to up her leadership presence. But she didn't know how to create that learning space as she felt overwhelmed by her ...
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Idea generation

Ambiguous Project With Not Enough Guideline? Follow This 5-Step Process.

Myriam is a product manager at a multinational company whose job is to understand current industry trends, anticipate customer needs, design product road maps, and get buy-in from upper management ...
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Redefine Success Through Embracing Imperfection and Cultivating Resilience

The other day, I had a conversation with a woman grappling with her career satisfaction. Despite her impressive credentials, which included a Ph.D. and valuable job experiences, she was not ...
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Authenticity, a bird showing its colors - Image by wasi1370 from Pixabay

Beyond “Fake it Till You Make it”: A More Authentic Approach To Building Confidence

During the early days of my coaching career, when I said, "I am a coach," my facial expression didn't match it. The truth was, I didn't feel confident about my ...
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How a Small-Group Coaching Circle Helped Mid-Level Leaders Thrive

A recent Harvard Business Review article said, "The benefits of small-group coaching come from powerful learning interactions among leaders who aren't on the same team but are roughly equal in ...
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Tearing elephant By ArtTower on Pixabay

Strong Leaders Also Need Psychological Safety

Psychological safety has become a prevalent concept, encompassing the feeling of safety individuals experience when sharing their thoughts and feelings without risking their status. While this is often attributed to ...
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Conflict at work

Intimidating to Inspiring: How A Tech Leader Solved The Approachability Problem

Vlad (not his real name), a seasoned tech leader, received feedback that some team members found him intimidating - hindering them from seeking his guidance. His management urged him to ...
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