Happiness,  Success Strategy

Empowering Language – Change the Word to Change the Outcome


Language is power.  When we speak, we exercise the power of language to transform reality. —Julia PenelopeWhat, we say and how we say it impacts our own experience and the experience we have of other people in our life.  Our communication has an impact not only on a conscious, mental level but also on many subtle levels.  Words convey underlying messages to our subconscious mind, evoking physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual meaning for others and us. Some words and phrases are less empowering (or useful) than others.  For example, say the following words to yourself: “I have to stop at the bank on my way home”.  Pay particular attention to the phrase “have to”, which is a way of saying that you have no choice.  Now, try saying this instead: “It’s important for me to stop at the bank on my way home”.  Notice that changing ‘have to’ to ‘It’s important for me to’ feel more powerful and more inviting for you. Any word or phrase that implies a lack of freedom tends to feel disempowering or ineffective.  That perspective invites a feeling of victimization, which is then reinforced by a cycle of more disempowering or in-effective language. Here are some tips for Empowering Language:

Instead of saying this…

Empower yourself and others by saying…

I should…

I choose, I want, I could…

I need to, I must, or I have to..

It’s important to me to…

I can’t…

I choose not to, I’m unwilling to, what works for me is to…

Absolutes like always, everybody, and never

Sometimes, often, seldom, some people, many

But (I see what you mean, but I don’t agree.)

And (I see what you mean, AND I don’t agree.)

I’ll try…

I will, I intend, I’m aiming for…

Yeah, uh-huh, or nah, nope, unh-unh

Yes or no (be direct)

 Start using these in your daily conversation and see the difference it creates in your life!


Courtesy: Invite Change


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