EQ,  Leadership

Nick’s Path to Emotionally Intelligent Leadership

Meet Nick, a talented young professional in his mid-thirties who holds a managerial position in a corporate. One challenging aspect of his job is that his team members, older than him in age and tenure, often question his decisions. Nick felt that they undermine his authority. His manager has pointed out that Nick could improve his assertiveness.

During a recent meeting, his team expressed disappointment and anxiety regarding a top-level leadership decision that felt punitive. In his futile attempt to justify the decision, the situation only worsened, leaving Nick feeling defeated and frustrated.

Seeking guidance on handling such delicate situations, Nick brought this topic to our session. He felt that he was treated unjustly. To help him regain focus and composure, I guided him through a short breathing meditation to become more grounded and aware of his emotions.

As he calmed down, Nick recognized that he had been overly reactive during the meeting, feeling attacked and desperately trying to win the argument about the management decision. Instead, he realized that a more effective approach would be to allow his team to express their feelings first and genuinely acknowledge their emotions before giving any rational explanation.

This insight struck a chord with Nick, and he understood that he needed to regulate his emotions and find a sense of grounding before engaging with his team. By doing so, he could encourage them to manage their feelings, creating a conducive environment for rational thinking and constructive problem-solving.

To help build this skill, we devised a daily grounding practice for Nick. While he hasn’t perfected it yet, within just one week, he has found it incredibly valuable in his day-to-day conversations. By noticing and regulating his distressing emotions, he has seen a positive shift in his presence, leading to more productive and meaningful conversations.

Nick’s journey serves as a reminder that emotional regulation and genuine listening are vital aspects of effective leadership. Understanding and addressing our emotions and those around us can create a healthier, more collaborative, and creative work environment.

Join me for Free Coaching on Fridays at noon PT/3p ET – Register for Coffee w/A Coach.

The Feature photo is by Yan Krukau at pexel.com

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