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Career satisfaction,  Self-leadership,  Success Strategy

Idea Dating: Tap Your Network for Clearer Insights

During a recent coaching session, my client Francis had an eye-opening moment. Despite consistently positive performance reviews, he no longer found satisfaction in his current role. When I asked what he wanted, he sighed and said he didn’t know exactly. However, he did have a clear image in mind: It entitled a broader scope, involving strategy and collaboration with a close-knit small group of passionate people. He thought he should look for job openings in small companies and interview. But the prospect didn’t encourage him at all.

Shifting gears, I inquired about his past experiences with making changes. He mentioned that friends and former colleagues had been instrumental in sparking those changes. This led him to a realization: his network of trusted contacts had a knack for spotting new opportunities and making connections. I encouraged him to think about how he could leverage this network now. After a moment of contemplation, he saw the value in sharing his thoughts with people he trusted. He believed their input could generate more ideas, and he also considered tapping into his current workplace connections, especially his supportive manager, to help him find new opportunities.

“That sounds like dating,” he said with a smile on his face – “I am not certain about everything, but I am exploring options within my network, hoping to gain clarity over time.” I agreed, coining the term “Idea Dating” for this process.

Idea Dating: In situations where ideas are yet to take shape – instead of the conventional path of browsing job boards (akin to a commitment), we could articulate it within our trusted network (akin to dating). Eventually, this process helps us get fresh insights and connections to help these fledgling ideas evolve and grow.

Featured Image by Gordon Johnson from Pixabay

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