Webinar this Week: Craft Sustainable Goals For The New Year
The beginning of the year motivates us to start things right. Ironically it often creates social pressure to declare a popular resolution rather than thoughtfully develop a meaningful and sustainable goal. Most people go with losing weight, eating healthier or changing diet, getting fitter, and doing more exercise. No matter how good these look, sustaining them through regular practice becomes a hurdle. I also had my fair share of going with the social norms and not following through. So it is no surprise that this new study has found that about two-thirds of people abandon their New Year’s resolutions within a month.
In this article, I shared three techniques to alleviate the anxieties that come with the external pressure of setting goals. It may sound counterintuitive, but starting with a gratitude list is a good starting point. One of my readers added,
“The Gratitude coin has two sides, Gratefulness, and Forgiveness. We all are living in a challenging time – recognize the challenge and forgive yourself and others if everything didn’t work out as you expected.”
Gratitude brings us out of the scarcity and problem-focused mind, which is a great starting point to envision the future. The second step is to develop a theme or focus of the year. Having a consistent theme helps to hold it in the working memory and avoid overloading the prefrontal cortex. An finally, aligning it with our intrinsic motivation makes it more sustainable.
I will discuss these in more detail during this interactive webinar this week, Craft Sustainable Goals For The New Year. Using several hands-on exercises, I will walk you through these proven techniques to create a meaningful goal for the year:
- Shift your focus from a Problem to A Compelling Vision
- Pick a theme based on your core values
- Design Baby Steps Using an Agile Approach
You will walk away with insights and actionable ideas to create or refine your new year goals and feel more confident about them.
Two convenient times, Jan 5, Wednesday at 5 pm PST, and Jan 7, Friday at 1 pm PST. There are only five free tickets, so don’t wait; Register here. You will also receive a promo code for the 4-part intensive Career Vision Workshop starting from Jan 13.
Let’s beat the odds of falling into those two-thirds majority this year!
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