Cultivating Resilience: Small Acts of Self-Care Goes a Long Way During These Trying Times

It's been a few months since we are in the lockdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic. No matter how hard it is to accept, this is going to be a ...
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We Now Can Relate To The “BBC Dad” – How Covid19 is Reshaping the Way We Work and Live

A few years ago, the BBC Dad video went viral on the internet, evoking compassion, some criticism, and mostly, amusement. Ironically, in these last two months of home quarantine, we all got ...
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Does Home Quarantine Feel Like Someone Gave You a Lemon? Make some Lemonade Using these 3C-s

We all are going through an enormous challenge. Almost every country in the world is now affected by this COVID-19 pandemic. The way we know life has come to a ...
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A woman feeling overwhelemed

Why You have a Hard Time Saying “No” – Look into these Root Causes

A client of mine said she is always too busy with other peoples' requests and she struggles to complete her own work. Her manager advised her to say "no" more ...
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Leading in the Era of AI

How far are we from machines replacing humans? While much of the corporate research and development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is happening under Non-Disclosure Agreements, a recent demonstration of a ...
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Courtesy: Prawny from

The Essential Qualities of Leadership – Examples from My Grandmother and Other Situational Leaders

What are the most common traits among successful leaders? What process did they all go through? What’s the must-have quality of a successful leader? How my grandmother became a leader? ...
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The Myth Of A “Perfect Day”

There are not many days like this. Yesterday it seemed like an out of the ordinary perfect day for me. Client #1 made significant progress in an area he was ...
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Take The Fear Out Of Feedback Giving

Imagine your boss is saying, “I have some feedback for you” - notice what reaction you get. Very often it feels like a threat, as “We have a problem”! According ...
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Why EQ Matters And How To Be Better At It

Why EQ Matters And How To Be Better At It

Do you often wonder why people behave negatively (rude, mean, unpredictable)? Do you often stress a lot? Do you want to improve professional and personal relationships? Do you want to ...
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Grand Canyon Family Trip

Decisions, Decisions | How I planned and survived my family vacation

"How can we make good decisions when there is insufficient data"? During a seminar a few weeks back, I got this question from the audience. As someone giving the talk, ...
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The Pen is Luxurious Than the Keyboard

This year I have made a commitment – I will be more accountable to myself. I found a paper notebook is helping me in this regard. Every day/week I am ...
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The Power Of Yes – Leadership Lessons from My Car Dealership

I was in the waiting area of the dealership while my car was getting an oil change. Tony, one of the service reps saw me and asked if I had ...
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“Tell Me About Yourself” – Why It Is Hard and What To Do About It

Frequent flyers in the job market already know how this easy question could sometimes become quite daunting. During an interview coaching, I ask the clients to answer it first. Interestingly ...
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How Coaching Can Increase Employee Engagement

I have worked within the high tech industry for over a decade and I have always wondered why a large number of the great hires end up disengaged, identified as below ...
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Everyone And Their Mother Is Talking About “Coaching” – What Is It Really?

It will be rare to find someone who never heard "coaching" and yet it is one of the most overloaded terms today. Starting from sports coaching, tutoring or mentoring a ...
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Women In Tech – Let’s Tap Into Our Own Greatness

[Look for a special discount code inside -Sharmin] Background Story - Last year I attended a global conference in Warsaw with a few hundred International Coach Federation (ICF) leaders from across ...
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Nervous About Networking? Find Your Own Sweet Spot

During my corporate career I once attended a class on “how to show up confident”. It had quite a few tips I don’t remember those exactly. But today I remembered ...
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Aspirations – Find Your Own Unique One

Few years back we went to Zion national park in Utah. We hiked on a mountain in the scorching 80 degree heat. The destination was the “upper pool” a small body ...
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The author on a spring afternoon in Seattle

Looking Back: Five Years of My New Career and Life

Today is the 5th anniversary of my post-Microsoft life :). Hard to believe how time flies! It was not just a new career I wanted to pursue; I also wanted ...
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Afraid of Feedback? Find How It Serves You Best

If you are a corporate employee, notice the feeling you are having when you read the word “Feedback”. “I have some feedback for you” often creates the same or worse visceral ...
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There Is More Than One Reality – Choose That Serves

“Reality is reality, there is no point to sugar coat it “– a friend of mine uttered with a great sigh! I agree and there is more. It reminded me of ...
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Too Many Emails? Some Real Causes and Solutions

In the corporate world, people often complain about too many emails. It is a modern-day challenge for sure, however, over the years I have noticed a few underlying causes and possible ...
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“What do I Want” is a Hard Question

A few weeks back I was giving a talk at a big tech company about focusing on the vision. As usual, someone asked this basic question- “I don’t know what ...
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Job Interview : How to Avoid Negativity about Your Employer

Everyone knows this interview tip: “Don’t bad mouth about your employer”. But interesting enough this happens quite often. I got some clue when I was talking to my client Tom ...
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Focus on Your Vision: A Positive Approach to Life’s Challenges

[Key point: I have described  how vision focus works as a great parenting tool for me. It not only helps to manage the current situation more gracefully, it gives a ...
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Fulfilling Achievements are Good, Experiences are Even Better

I often ask this question to my clients and class participants: Describe some occasions from the recent past when you felt excited and fulfilled. The common responses I get are, ...
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Align with Passion – What, Why and How

“I don’t get it, how do people mix passion with their career? I do love to paint but I can’t even think of taking it as a career and doing it ...
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Don’t Focus on the Problem – Focus on your Ultimate Vision

Last year, an engineer, let me call him Tom, came to me. He looked very tired and unhappy. “Sharmin, I am working long days, late nights, still my manager wants ...
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Why Do You Do It? 3 Steps to Clarify Your Commitments

Common wisdom goes as we do paid work for money and volunteer work to fulfill other needs. Whatever we do, paid or volunteer work requires some commitment from our part ...
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Are you suffering from “Not Enough Time”?

"Some people have lots of time in their hands", "I could have used the time for something more useful", "Let me check on Facebook/Internet/email quickly before I start doing my ...
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Procrastination – How to Manage this Common Vice

If you are reading this you might be like many of us who suffer from procrastination. But don’t stop there - this is just the tip of the iceberg, the ...
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Ready or not the New Year is coming – Will your resolution be a small talk again?

In January, the common topic of the office kitchen conversation is the New Year’s resolution. Until recently I never actually did much of planning for the year, so when asked ...
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Living from inside out

How are you setting your goals, Inside-out or Outside-in?

Last week I was describing the concept of “Living from inside-out” to my class participants in a high tech company. The example I gave - If you target to become ...
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Fall color

Happiness theory and my Exercise routine

The other day at the end of my class, people got quite hyped up to make time to do something for themselves. Few of them made a commitment to start ...
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Improve your EQ fitness – Self reflection

A few weeks back I wrote this blog post, Feeling- A vital part missing from the thinker’s head. Since then Tom made some progress. These days on the feeling question he ...
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Barren backyard

Work-life balance in my own backyard

Among so many articles about work-life balance, this one in HBR, the Imperfect balance between work and life caught my attention today. The main idea is 1. Pick a few ...
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Alignment with Passion-Why it is important

A client of mine is in the job market for a while.  A bit frustrated by the lack of success, he called me this morning wanting to find more ideas.  ...
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A woman feeling overwhelemed

Feeling overwhelmed? You might be overloading your PFC

Do you often feel overwhelmed? Do you wonder why it happens? Understanding how our brain works might give you some ideas. The part of the brain behind our forehead is called the prefrontal cortex(PFC). PFC is ...
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Too many to-dos… Not enough time…Cause or Symptom?

My friend Amy calls herself lazy as she is always running behind her infinitely long to-do list. Even when she is sitting down she feels guilty that she was supposed to ...
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